Insurrections Rising at Home: Coups in Africa, Contagious?

Photo Credit: The Borgen Project

 'I am worried. Worried about the alternative preferred lately at home. Underneath all my worries is the future- the young people who are mostly used as weapons for the destruction of their own future and the development of their countries. I am restless because of the negative impacts of today's rising resorts to forced governance on the prospects of growth and better societies tomorrow for my continent.'

The Picture We See Today

It is yet another coup in Africa, closer to home. Another coup in West Africa since the recent ones in Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mali. Gabon's coup d'état being the 8th coup in former French colonies in Africa and the 5th in West Africa over the past three years, has added to the frequent recent unrests seen on the African continent. I am saddened by the constant news feeds that show the loss of lives, properties, the destruction of many futures and the crumbling of the very systems and institutions built over many years by ourselves since we gained our independence. It appears as though this decision is contagious but I ask; why are coups common in recent years on the continent? Is there a cause? What could it be? Is this the best solution for the identified cause? 

Looking Back at Yesterday's Records

We have witnessed the impacts of coups on the continent. I can hear the echoes of the histories of military coups in Africa and their impacts which have lived on and have greatly impacted the state of developments in various African countries.

Right here at home, my elders have narrated to me various periods of military juntas that occurred prior to what we enjoy as freedom today. However, they were quick to point out that the seizure of freedom in my motherland in those years were issues of leadership, greed and love for power, and those periods left us with nothing but journeys back into years of no developments in the lives of the ruled. Basically, the state of our communities today are results of both the ills we witnessed yesterday and the toils of selfless individuals. Fundamentally, the elders did say that these were times they would not want to see again even if they appeared as nightmares. 

Message to my Peers 

I dread what we sometimes are influenced to do. Young people today lead efforts to destroy their own communities and futures. How do we go to school when everything is unstable? What are dreams when we surrender to sleepless nights? We have complaints about the leadership today, but we have a voice that can not be pushed down by power. The solution we genuinely desire is change- a new chapter where leaders would create better conditions for young people to innovate and be supported to grow, where young people are at the table to say exactly what is good for them because we are equipped and empowered to design solutions for ourselves and communities. But where and what we trade for in such coups aren't what we genuinely desire. 

Let's speak up but not chase hope away with clubs and weapons because we would be the most affected victims in the end. I encourage us all to start with the tools in hand, resources available and reach for support in unity. Our power and voice cannot be shoved when we come united. In unity with greater sense of responsibility, we can build a better tomorrow- when the generations shed off and we step up to lead, we want to lead better communities and countries. 

Baako Ye! In Unity is power and freedom. 
