Out on under the vast clouds come the cries of the voiceless. Early in the morning , the helpless mother begins to toil; to be able to feed her and children. In the roofless room, she plans her day and figures her moves.  Inside this roofless room , she and her kind hold their dreams , aspirations, hopes and opinion. Her kinsmen are those as helpless and vulnerable as her. They only live hoping and wishing. Their young ones grow only to bitterness and vulnerability. If you see her smile, it obviously means at last one of the common gains of life has been met. They made a meal for the day.

But come to think of it; where are those that come to them for favors and grace, only to better off their status and standards? Where have they gone to after their wishes were granted by the same tenants of the roofless rooms? What happened to all the wild and great promises they made to them whiles they were in their seeking conditions, only to blow them to the wind without any accomplishments.Why do they resort to speaking their language to get them to vote for them? 

It turns out that in this roofless room, even the young must reason to maturity and ripen pre-maturely. Yet, they dream of a day of joy, and goodness come at last. The windows of their rooms are the eyes of men and the sky. During the day, their rooms are under the footstool  of many; but in the night, their wonderful abode. Like all persons these people are supposed to live to satisfaction, yet they only see cheat , pain and displeasure each passing day.
What must be done about those who have naturally been ushered into threats for living? On the streets is the woeful arm of fear, pain and suffering. We come across them in our daily schedules, we look on, without offering a helping hand. 
But sooner than later, they will chase us out of our abodes, with their wild lived lives. these street children , who are gradually  numbering , will one day rise to take what they think due them: our toiled earned properties, putting our lives and that of our loved ones at great risks.

It is time we feel their pains and stretch a helping hand as people, associations, groups and most especially, as rulers. Let us help solve the problems of these ones, for it was never a mistake that we find them amongst us; neither was it their faults and wishes to be exposed to  pain and be forced to learn violence the hard way. Let us share their pains and support them now. Ignoring them means, ignoring our own safety and holistic development as a people. They too are human resource; they are potentials overlooked.
Their development must be factored into the the bigger picture of a better tomorrow. 

Written by
Veronica Ewurama Agyiri
